Friday, May 04, 2007

Troops Out? Pros and cons of withdrawing from Iraq

Jessie has posed the following question over at 'Probably Not Interesting', and it's a question I share:

Troops out of Iraq?

This post is to glean the opinions of you clever readers out there. Recently you probably will have read about the fact that GW Bush has vetoed a number of bills which would have withdrawn all American troops from Iraq in the very near future.

Now, I have really not much of an idea about the implications of pulling all troops out of Iraq. I certainly know that that particular style of invasion was a horrible (aaaand illegal according to the UN Security Council but let’s not get bogged down in that!) idea in the first place, and that the situtation to date has been handled like the proverbial dog’s breakfast. But now that everyone’s in, i’m just not convinced that flat-out withdrawing is a good idea. It’s like crashing a party, completely wrecking the house, beating some people up, and then just before torching the place, deciding to leave in case you make a mess or get in trouble. Not a sophisticated analogy, I know, but perhaps one that rings true. What do you - clever readers - think about this question?

I’m all for education before opinionation, so please! Educate me!


Like Jess, I opposed the war in Iraq, but now that troops are there, I'm not sure that withdrawing is a good idea. In words similar to Jessie's, my feeling is that "we made the mess, now we should clean it up". However this is an instinctive reaction more than anything I've know or understand a great deal about. So - what do you think?