Saturday, July 21, 2007

Blogging on 'trouble in paradise' and 'the arc of instability'

The Coming Anarchy has been hosting a series on security issues in Oceania. Bloggers include Opinio Juris, The Strategist (focusing on Melanesia) and Phil at Pacific Empire. It's good to see some more coverage of issues in the South Pacific (albeit negative ones) in cyberspace.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the link. To clarify, Opinio Juris has also linked to the series but they are not contributing.

I guess while covering security it is easy to focus on the negative. I will think about how I could redress that in a future post. Or, if you were to write something, I'm sure Coming Anarchy would welcome another contribution...

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the clarification.

I'm afraid I probably couldn't offer much "positive" either, since my focus has always been on security issues or natural disasters! LOL.

P'raps I should start writing on "resilience" more than "vulnerability" :)